Saturday 13 August 2011

Creamy courgette and chilli pasta

This recipe was inspired by a good friend who said she adapted the mangetout tagliatelle stir-fry recipe by adding  some fennel (from Cowick Garden) and courgettes to it. I thought this was an excellent idea and so we tried our own version of it last night. It was delicious. We added our first red chilli from the garden too!

2 medium courgettes, grated
150g peas
1 spring onion
2bsp olive oil
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 red chilli, finely chopped
8 tbsp single cream
250g tagliatelle
Parmesan cheese, grated
Fennel leaves

1. Cook the tagliatelle in a pot of boiling water and steam the peas.
2. While the pasta and peas are cooking, add the oil, garlic and chillies to the frying pan over a low to medium heat and stir together for a few minutes.
3. Add the grated courgettes to the chilli garlic and mix together well. After a few minutes add the cream and continue stirring.
4. When the courgettes have turned into a green creamy mixture and feel very soft, add the peas and then the pasta and toss well.
5. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and garnish with fennel leaves.
6. Enjoy with a glass of good French wine!


Dave and Sheila said...

Creamy courgette and chilli pasta, for your dinner, sounds delicious. You could soon have a wonderful Cowick Garden Cafe inspired recipe book with all sorts of delights. Are the birds still arriving to enjoy the tasty cafe fare you have for them?

Cowick Garden Cafe said...

Hi Dave and Sheila! Sadly, we stopped feeding the birds the tasty cafe fare over the summer as the pigeons were visiting too and leaving a trail of destruction behind them. We will start feeding them in the autumn and winter again when it starts getting more difficult for them to find food.

We also hoped that by not giving them some tasty treats they might help themselves to the abundance of bugs in the garden. Not sure if they did. Some naughty blackbirds were spotted helping themselves to our lovely earthworms but let's hope some bad beasties were also gobbled up by the birds!

Anonymous said...

Thats a great idea - a Cowick Garden Cafe cookbook! I'll be very happy to volunteer as your test taster. Oh better still.... I just had a thought, perhaps you could open your garden doors, and set up a communal kitchen enterprise ;)

Cowick Garden Cafe said...

;-) Great suggestion! If only we had a bit more space in our tiny garden. Thanks for volunteering to be a test taster...your services may come in handy as we have an abundance of veggies at the moment and we're in the mood to try some new and different recipes. Are you feeling adventurous?