Sunday 12 June 2011

Mellow yellow mangetout

Well I certainly didn't have my facts straight last week. There I was saying that mangetout are yellow before they turn green. Well that's not true. There are some varieties of mangetout that are yellow and as it turns out the variety we have are yellow...they won't be turning green.  They're called Golden Sweet and if I'd read the seed packet correctly I would have realised that we were in store for some lovely golden yellow mangetouts. We were patiently waiting for them to turn green but as the pods started swelling and they were still a bright yellow, I thought something was a bit odd so I dug out the seed packet and sure enough they're not going to be turning all.

So yesterday before the rain set in I picked up a handful of mangetout and last night we made a delicious mangetout stir fry with some cream and tagliatelle. This recipe will be perfect when our spring onions and peas are ready as we added some shop onions and peas to it so some fresh Cowick Garden peas and spring onions will make it extra tasty. I found the recipe on the Cooks United website but tweaked it a little to incorporate the peas and onions.

Mangetout tagliatelle stir-fry

100g mangetout
150g peas
3 spring onions, sliced
2 tbsp olive oil
2 garlic cloves, crushed
5 tbsp single cream
250g tagliatelle
Parmesan cheese, grated

1. Cook the tagliatelle in a pot of boiling water. Use fresh tagliatelle, if possible.
2. Steam the peas.
3. While the pasta and peas are cooking, stir fry the mangetout in the olive oil with the garlic, onions and cream until the mangetout are soft.
4. Add the peas and then the pasta and toss well.
5. Sprinkle with the parmesan cheeese and tuck in!


Anonymous said...

Your recipe sounds delicious and simple, so I think I will give it a go too - a tasty quick meal after a long day at work! Seeing the pics of all your lovely veg growing just reminded me that its time to resume our visits to "pick your own" farms. Every year we pay a few visits to Hewitts Farm and pick our own cabbages, courgettes, cauliflowers, mangetout, gooseberries and strawberries. Oh, let me share with you one of my newly discovered quick recipes: Ricotta dumplings. It was featured on "Two Greedy Italians" programme. Mix together a tub of ricotta cheese and 200g flour, with 3 egg yolks, lots of grated parmesan cheese, and season. Then shape them into little dumplings. Drop them in boiling water until they float - then fish them out. Serve them with some freshly made tomato sauce (tomatoes, basil, chilli, onion and garlic) with a sprinkling of parmesan cheese on top. Very quick and very delicious!

Cowick Garden Cafe said...

Oooh thank you for the ricotta dumplings recipe. That sounds delicious! Hoping to give it a go this weekend.

We haven't been to Hewitts Farm but I've had a look at their website and they have a lot of vegetables available to pick at the moment! Have you been to Garson's Farm? A PYO based in Surrey. We were there in winter visiting the garden shop. We bought our mangetout, tomato and potato seeds from there and promised ourselves we'd go back in the summer to visit the PYO fields.