Sunday 11 September 2011

Spicy tomato soup

So we've had spicy tomato sauce and now it's time for spicy tomato soup. Basically what that means is we're not keeping up with all our chillies and tomatoes. We haven't even had time to make our celebratory beetroot and chocolate cake yet because of all the tomatoes. We're not complaining though and enjoyed a very spicy soup in our very windy garden this afternoon.

Serves 4


2 tbsp olive oil
1 spring onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, crushed
1 red chilli, seeds removed and chopped* (add 2 small chillies if you're feeling brave)
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp ground cumin powder
1 tbsp tomato paste
1,5 kg fresh tomatoes, blanched and chopped
200ml vegetable stock
Basil leaves, to serve


1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium to low heat. Add the onion and stir until it becomes soft.
2. Add the garlic, chilli, coriander, cumin and tomato paste and stir for approximately a minute.
3. Add chopped tomatoes and bring to the boil.
4. Reduce heat to low, partially cover pot with lid and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occassionally
5. Puree the soup in a blender.
6. Return to the pot and add a little to all of the vegetable stock depending on how thick you want the soup to be. Our tomatoes had a lot of juice in them so I didn't add much of the stock.
7. Stir slowly until hot again and add salt and pepper to taste.
8. Serve into bowls and add basil leaves.
9. Bon appetit!

*Useful tip: Remember to wash hands well after chopping the chillies. You can also rub a bit of olive oil over your hands too as that will get rid of any remaning chilli on your fingers. Don't, like me, absent-mindedly touch your face after chopping the chillies. You'll be crying into your tomato soup!


Dave and Sheila said...

The recipe looks great, and that is an excellent photo of your delicious, spicy soup. Perhaps you will have to make some more and freeze it, so you can enjoy a bowl in the middle of winter.

Anonymous said...

Hello CGC! Its been a fair few weeks since my last visit to your blog - sorry- and I've missed all these tasty tomato recipes! I often make batches of tomato sauce and freeze them ready for the winter months. I find them very handy for quick pasta dishes or as a base for soups and stews...hmmmm....with dumplings! Yum yum! I'm looking forward to those winter food cooking already. Oh and it's that again soon to switch summer/winter wardrobe around.... and bring out those warm knitted things..lovely. Sorry I was drifting in my own thoughts! Happy belated birthday CGC!

Cowick Garden Cafe said...

Thank you Dave & Sheila and thank you Anonymous for your comments! And yes, you're very right freezing some tomato soup for the winter is an excellent idea. We're still harvesting tomatoes and we're also getting more and more chillies so it looks like spicy tomato soups are the best way forward.

We've been a bit absent from the blog recently but will be uploading some more photos and some more recipes soon.

Hope you've got your warm knitted gloves and hat ready Anonymous as it looks like the cold weather is on its way...

Thank you all for your support. :-)

Dave and Sheila said...

It seems Cowick Garden Cafe has been quiet recently, but we feel sure there must have been many tales and treats emerging from that little garden in London, despite the cooler and shorter days.